----- READ FIRST -----

First actually completed game jam game wohoo!



WASD - Alternative use of components

E - Enter Build mode

R - Respawn

P - Pause


[Known issues]

Only 90% of UI is in pixel art style.

We didn't fit in many SFX - not too much game feedback.

Menu Button and Volume Sliders do not work while ingame - sorry about that :P

The mechanics are meant for longer levels, which we sadly didn't have the time to do, so this is more like a demo!


[Special Credits]

Audio we have used from thirdparty:

Brand New Day - AyItsMatt (https://pixabay.com/de/users/ayitsmatt-17164088)

Stranger Things - Music_Unlimited (https://pixabay.com/de/users/music_unlimited-27600023)

eilegeiya - SamuelFJohanns (https://pixabay.com/de/users/samuelfjohanns-1207793/)

Melancholic Campus - SamuelFJohanns (https://pixabay.com/de/users/samuelfjohanns-1207793/)

All art and coding was made by us after the start of the jam!

Our song MiesAmTropen was made for the previous Game Jam Game "Hot Gnome In Your Area" (https://tidali.itch.io/hot-gnome-in-your-area), which we didn't upload in time unfortunately.

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